Roadmap to the

Cloud Native Telco

Architecture for
Hyper-scale CSPs

Why Telecoms Needs a Cloud Native Manifesto

The imperative for Cloud Native engineering in the Telecomms sector is headlined by the clarion call from Orange for an industry manifesto.

Laurent Leboucher, group CTO and SVP of Orange, joins TelecomTV to describe the call to action for Telecomms to adopt Cloud Native computing.

The Cloud Native Manifesto, developed by the Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance (NGMN), outlines the principles and guidelines for building cloud-native architectures in the context of telco networks.

Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom is a keynote exemplar of the Cloud Native Telco.

They rowed against a tide that said hosting on hyperscalers was the future and instead built their own on-prem, on bare-metal, open-source based Kubernetes platform.


Anatonomy of the Cloud Native Telco

The purpose of our Roadmap is to provide a single framework for Telcos to plan their Cloud Native journey, aggregating expert insights from across the entire industry.

CNFs and Kubernetes

CNFs represent the evolution of virtualized network functions from Virtual Machines to containerized applications.

Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture aims to take the Cloud model into telco infrastructure by building software that can run on commercial hardware to deliver virtual network functions (VNFs).

OSS Modernization

OSS and BSS functions will be instantiated as containerized microservices interconnected via a service mesh.

CSPs and other telecom organizations are migrating away from traditional Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) and Physical Network Functions (PNFs) toward CNFs and Kubernetes-based infrastructures that provide service reliability while lowering capital and operating expenses and encouraging cross-cloud compatibility.

Key use cases for applying Cloud Native functions is 5G, a headline network innovation driving the evolution of the Cloud Native Telco.

The cloud-native 5G network therefore becomes a ‘super-application’ in which all of its software components can be orchestrated together as a single entity.



The Solution Guide details the core design principles, implementation best practices, architecture blueprints and vendor capabilities.

This addresses a complete scope of work from initial requirements through solution design and ongoing support, and the full suite of technology components needed for a wide spectrum of use cases.

Download the Guide

A detailed Buyers Guide guide to Cloud Native Telco solutions, covering Costings and ROI, Technical Architecture Blueprints and Adoption Maturity Model and Roadmap.

Learn about the latest Cloud Native Telco innovations in the webinar series.


Listings of Partners who
specialize in Telco DevOps.

Discover how telco giant Orange‬ is revolutionizing the industry with SUSE Adaptive Telco Infrastructure Platform (ATIP) and Rancher to deploy a full-scale 5G standalone network.
Nokia’s Cloud Native Communication Suite is a cutting-edge solution that enables telcos to transform their traditional network infrastructure into a cloud-native architecture.

Alianza’s cloud communications platform facilitates a shift from Telco’s aging technologies to a modern, scalable, and cost-efficient cloud-based architecture.

Services to support your strategy and transformation.

Cloud Native Telco Solutions

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